The Art of Team Building: How Jeff Robertson Crafts High-Performing Teams

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the ability to build and maintain a high-performing team is more crucial than ever. Enter Jeff Robertson, a coach in the realm of team development coaching at Rabason, who has mastered the art of harmonizing diverse personalities into a symphony of productivity and mutual respect. His secret weapon? The innovative DISC testing approach developed by Take Flight Learning. This powerful tool not only uncovers the unique personality types within a team but also fosters a deep understanding and appreciation among its members, paving the way for unparalleled team cohesion and performance.

Unlocking Team Potential with DISC Testing

DISC testing is a behavior assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Marston, which centers around four distinct personality traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Jeff Robertson utilizes this approach to help teams understand each member’s communication style, work preferences, and motivational triggers. The beauty of DISC lies in its ability to highlight the value each personality type brings to the table, encouraging a culture of inclusivity and respect.

The Impact of Understanding and Adaptability

One of the core benefits of incorporating DISC testing into team development is the heightened sense of understanding and adaptability it fosters. Teams coached by Jeff Robertson learn to:

  • Appreciate Diversity: Recognizing and valuing the different personality types within a team can transform potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and innovation.
  • Enhance Communication: By understanding the preferred communication styles of team members, individuals can tailor their interactions to reduce misunderstandings and build stronger relationships.
  • Optimize Workflows: Aligning tasks with individuals’ strengths leads to increased efficiency and satisfaction, as team members are more engaged and motivated when working in their areas of preference.

Jeff Robertson’s Approach to Team Development

Jeff’s coaching goes beyond the mere identification of personality types; he equips teams with actionable strategies to leverage their collective strengths. Through tailored workshops and coaching sessions, teams learn to:

  • Set Clear Goals: With a deep understanding of each member’s strengths, teams can set more achievable and impactful goals.
  • Foster Leadership: Jeff helps identify leadership potential across different DISC profiles, promoting a more distributed leadership model.
  • Resolve Conflicts: Armed with empathy and understanding, teams can navigate conflicts more effectively, finding solutions that respect diverse perspectives.

The Journey to High Performance

The journey to becoming a high-performing team is ongoing and dynamic. Under Jeff Robertson’s guidance, teams embark on a path of continuous learning and adaptation. By embracing the principles of DISC testing, teams not only achieve their immediate goals but also lay the foundation for sustained success and fulfillment.


Building a great team is not just about assembling a group of talented individuals; it’s about creating a cohesive unit that values diversity, communicates effectively, and works towards common goals. Jeff Robertson, through his expert coaching and the application of Take Flight Learning’s DISC testing, has proven that understanding the intricacies of personality can unlock the full potential of any team. 
Whether you’re looking to improve team dynamics, enhance productivity, or foster a more inclusive workplace, Jeff’s approach offers a proven pathway to success. Let’s connect and see how my programs can help accelerate your growth.   Send me a Direct Message or contact me through my website.