Embrace the Journey of Self-Discovery and Team Synergy

In the heart of Roanoke, where the Blue Ridge Mountains echo tales of resilience and growth, there’s a transformation unfolding within teams and organizations. Jeff Robertson, a seasoned DISC Assessment Coach and a Take Flight Learning program maestro led it. Jeff’s not your run-of-the-mill coach. His journey from the rugged landscapes of Franklin County to the boardrooms of business is nothing short of a masterclass in adaptability and success.

DISC with a Twist of Jeff

At the core of Jeff’s approach is the DISC Assessment, a tool that peels back the layers of personality and behavior in the workplace. But here’s the twist – Jeff infuses his unique blend of experiences, wit, and wisdom into the process. It’s not just about understanding who’s a Dominant, Influential, Steady, or Conscientious player in your team. It’s about leveraging these insights to create a symphony of efficiency, collaboration, and growth.

The Take Flight Learning Experience

Take Flight Learning isn’t just a program; it’s an odyssey into the heart of your team’s dynamics. Under Jeff’s guidance, you’ll explore the intricate dance of personalities and how they shape your organization’s culture. His certification in DISC and his role as a facilitator ensure that every session is packed with practical insights, interactive learning, and a healthy dose of humor.

Why Jeff?

  1. Real-World Experience: Jeff’s diverse background, from law enforcement to business operations, gives him a unique perspective on team dynamics and leadership.
  2. Practical Wisdom: His approach is grounded in real-life experiences, making his advice theoretical and applicable.
  3. Engaging Delivery: Expect sessions filled with energy, engagement, and a touch of Jeff’s signature sardonic humor.
  4. Customized Solutions: Jeff understands that one size doesn’t fit all. He tailors his coaching to meet the specific needs of your team.

Transforming Teams, One Personality at a Time

Jeff’s mission is simple yet profound – to help individuals and teams become the best versions of themselves. Whether you’re a start-up in Roanoke or a corporate giant, Jeff’s DISC facilitation is your key to unlocking potential, enhancing communication, and boosting productivity.

Ready to Take Flight?